Have You Found Your Soul Food?

Just like your soul mate, everyone has soul food that they love to eat regardless of the time. You must have come across the term ‘ food for the soul ,’ but what does it mean? Well, a food item that not only goes into your stomach but also touches your heart is your soul food. It’s not easy to find your soul food ; sometimes it takes for you to travel different places before finally claiming that – yes, this is what I am going to eat throughout my life without complaining about it! On Irina Bukatik’s blog on Instagram, you will find that she has posted about several dishes from around the world. While all of them look delicious, here are a few of them that will directly speak to your soul and will soon become your comfort food. Sushi Sushi has a big fan base, and all because of the right reasons. Sushi tastes amazing when it’s served with pickled ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce. If your life to eat light foods, then sushi will definitely not disappoint you. Also, you don’t have to ...